One of many riffs that I will surely write in this divergent nomad blog, on this subject
Some Truths
Let me start with a few statements about contemporary, industrial society:
- The rules, regulations and processes of society are designed to suit neurotypical brains
- Workplace environment, rules and regulations are designed to suit neurotypical brains.
- The teaching style of the education system, and its rules and regulations are designed to suit neurotypical brains.
- The values praised and celebrated in society are more-easily achieved by a neurotypical style thinking.
So where does that leave you, if your brain works in a different way? Certainly, being neurodivergent means being disabled, in a very real sense. However, this is actually only true in the context of this current societal paradigm.
How Neurodivergent People Exist in That World
My feeling is, that a lot of efforts regarding neurodiversity are a kind of top-down approach. The goal is to ‘train’ the neurodivergent person to fit into the system. Rather than, finding out how society could adapt to accommodate all neurotypes. There is a lot of masking and coping going on. Neurodivergent people, out of necessity, try to get their square peg to fit into the round hole. This is ultimately, harmful and damaging.
The Neurodivergent Dream
What if…
- There is a way to live according to your neurodivergent rhythm?
- You could socialise at the pace, duration and proximity that doesn’t cause you high stress, fear and panic?
- Educational empowerment would enable you learn more fruitfully by setting your own study plan, and your own study style in an environment that is calming, and aids concentration?
- When you are overstimulated, you could withdraw, lie down and get some peace?
- You could work the hours that suit you best, where you can be most productive, where it is tolerated to have sessions of intense activity combined with sessions of zoning-out, daydreaming, regulating yourself back to a working state again.?
- You could have influence about the space you are in, at any time.
- You had control about how many people you are interacting with at any one moment?
Could Being a (Neuro) Divergent Nomad Make This Happen?
Imagine you could get your environment, the way you make a living, your social circle, your whole lifestyle to a level that suits you? Then you can wake up in the morning full of joy about the day ahead? Right in that sweet spot, you know that your absolutely amazing, unique, radically-different way of being will thrive and flourish?
How nice of an contrast this would be to all that trying to cope and to fit in by hiding your authentic self. What a release from feeling oppressed when becoming lost and trapped in socialisation and stimulation overburden. How about you no longer have to panic from all the time pressure and deadlines that only result in sloppy, confused work?
A Small Aside
Wouldn’t it be great if society could make some radical changes to accommodate Neurodivergent people’s very real needs, and differences?
I do indeed wish that for our kids, but whether I will see that in my lifetime, I don’t know.
Hence the need to take care of ourselves until then.
The Divergent Nomad. As Old as Humans?
The industrial, productivity based era has been around for only two and a half centuries, within a homo sapiens history of 300,000 years. You do the math.
All we, as a family, know is that we feel so much better when we are on the road. It is greatly empowering to be working remotely, on the schedule we choose.
Our kids are having their heads filled with so many wonderful, important things, that being trapped inside 4 walls cannot provide. They are learning the ultra-rare capacity of tolerance and cultural appreciation. They’re being constantly immersed into new traditions and ways of life. Every day, our children get to meet a rich tapestry of people.
Divergent Nomad Wellbeing Matters
What feels like a better, kinder place for us to be?
One step removed from the neurotypical society, but in no way rejecting it. That is just far enough to be out of the reach of its claws. We can then become calm, clear-thinking, authentic and functional.
We choose in favour of our own wellbeing, and the possibility to thrive.